Turning photography into a give back.
Sometime around 2014, I was, as usual, a visitor to a number of photographic trade shows. One of the stands that appeared at many of them was, what was to become, Remember My Baby. I looked at the work they were doing in giving parents quality images of their little one that didn't survive to make permanent memories. Having been in the Emergency service for most of my working life and having had my own photography business for a while, this struck a chord with me. I could use the skills that I had acquired over 40+ years of wielding a camera to create something special for someone who needed something good in their life.
To my undying shame, I held back purely as I thought that my work wasn't good enough and not taking criticism particularly well. I now realise that it was probably my biggest ever mistake as once I did submit some images I was quickly accepted.
I have now photographed over 200 families some of whom are still friends.
Why am I telling you all this? I am now a regional coordinator for the Humber to Northampton area and every week I am struggling to have enough volunteers free to cover the work that we are being asked to do.
My ask of you, dear reader, is this. If you know photographers anywhere in the UK be they full time or passionate amateurs that can use portable lighting, please give them a nudge to go to our photographers' sign-up area and have a read of our requirements. The thought of what we do being scary is more a case of "the fear of doing a task being worse than the task itself" Our cameras really do act as a safety blanket to get you over the first session, after that it is just having a conversation with people who need our help. A short period of discomfort is nothing to what those people are going through.
I hate having to turn people down hence my plea for more people to volunteer.
For more information check out Remembermybaby.org.uk